Pickup Trunk Mold.

Pickup Trunk Mold
Pickup Trunk MoldPickup Trunk Mold
  1. Pickup Trunk Mold

  2. Material: SMC

  3. Molding: Compression

  4. Application: Passenger Vehicle

  5. SMC (Sheet Molding Compound) is a composite material consisting of fiberglass, resin, and filler materials that is commonly used in the manufacture of large vehicles such as cars and trucks. Pickup Trunk Mold is a car trunk mold made of SMC. The Pickup Trunk Mold manufactured by SMC has the advantages of light weight, high strength, good plasticity, high production efficiency and low cost.Suase specializes in the manufacture of composite mold and Compression Mold, provides SMC Passenger Vehicle Mold, and produces Pickup Trunk Mold.

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